Harness the power of Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th is a very special day for us, Goddesses

Before Christian and Patriarchal control took hold, Friday the thirteenth was a day to honor the divine feminine and the cycles of creation, death and rebirth. The number thirteen is associated with femininity because there are thirteen lunar cycles in a year which is also usually the number of menstrual cycles your body has in one year.


During the course of hundreds of years as the interests of colonialism and industrialism infiltrated all aspects of spiritual life women were stripped of their innate feminine authority, our Goddess day and so many other rituals, symbols and body wisdom were vilified and criminalized. 


This is the reason black cats are considered unlucky and the ancient symbol of the protective goddess eye (see below) is more commonly known as the evil eye. 

To celebrate this day of the Goddess, I have a free meditation just for you. If you set aside 20 minutes for this meditation, you will meet your inner Goddess and you will have the opportunity to ask her for something specific. 

The last person who did this meditation saw so many visions including her inner child, her future lovers and even found the timeline within which to expect her next lover. 

Ask the Goddess for something today while her powers are doubled and so many others are lifting up her prayers in community with you

Light a candle and read this prayer aloud…

As I see it

My fortune grows

Goodness comes my way

As I see it

Guarded Strong

The Goddess makes it stay

from Nancy Blair's book Amulets of the Goddess


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